Since money and information are the main currencies in the game, things can quickly get out of control during one of these exchanges, especially since you usually play with people from all over the world. In order to make money, you have to sell various objects, such as disks that contain valuable information, liable to overthrow entire companies if they fell into the wrong hands. In addition, the open map basically allows you to do as you please, including just driving around and taking part in wacky drive-by shootings, as long as you can afford the weapons to do so. Sub Rosa is a multiplayer shooter in which you get to pretend that you are making important deals with the other players, as well as resort to violence whenever things do not go according to plan. However, these elements can sometimes make the gameplay more fun, which is why titles like Battlefield and Call of Duty have such an immense success on the market nowadays. Multiplayer shooters are all about fun and entertainment, in the end, regardless of how good or bad the game in question looks and whether it features an ultra-realistic physics engine.