CrossCheck data validator monitors your entries for accuracy and completeness

iOS integrated alerts keep you on top of changes and legality Hotel management and van/shuttle departure alerts Extensive LEG resources for EDCT, diagrams, and more Cloud resources automatically retrieve gates, aircraft, and OOOI data making logging seamless Customizable Status Board allows you to add/remove widgets per duty phase

View gates, turn times, aircraft change indicators, and projected delays Familiar trip sheet format with intuitive information at a glance in the format airline pilots know and love. Data everywhere sync with automatic and included online backup Schedule and Calendar views for month view duty review and navigation, tap to add duty Duty and rest charts and detail including color coded progress bars Color coded legality and projected delay information for real time status Latest Available Takeoff Time (LATT) with planned taxi, estimated time enroute, planned taxi in times (add related Status Board widget as desired) Use macOS handoff to display a report on your device and then open the report in your default browser in macOS Exportable reports available in app and on. Extensive legality integration including What-If dynamic legality computations Automatic Schedule Importing for FLICA users Comprehensive Flight Search for Deadheading Dark and Light Themes (manual set or use iOS) APDL Toolkit makes schedule importing seamless with Safari browser integration Export flights easily on for quick import into Logbook Pro if desired. APDL is not only an airline pilot logbook but also provides comprehensive up to the minute legality calculations with complete 14 CFR Part 117 coverage, duty time management, crew tracking, schedule importing, reports, alerts, data everywhere sync and much more. FIRST 90 DAYS FREE for new users: APDL is the one and only airline pilot logbook app built from the ground up specifically for Part 117 airline scheduled operations.